about me

I am recovering Electrotechnical engineer turned software developer. Professionally for the past years I’ve been working mostly as a full stack developer, specifically with Ruby on Rails, Python and ReactJS.


I am working at UBS (Zürich) as a senior UI developer. Mainly designing and developing tailored ReactJS applications for the multiple digital banking contexts.

Have been as well mentoring as a Praxisausbilder for apprentices joining UBS.



I’ve graduated as a MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (major: Telecommunication Systems, minor: Computer Science) at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.

My majoring focused mostly on signal processing and propagation. Culminating with the study and analysis of the electromagnetic phenomena in media with negative permeability and permittivity and all the theoretical inferance on how media with such characteristcs lead to specific physical observations.

past work

october 2014 - december 2017: Runtime Revolution

My main role at Runtime Revolution was to design and develop custom tailored applications, mostly using Ruby on Rails and ReactJS.

Heavily worked as the interface with customers since day one, gathering specs, planning and developing those applications. My role also required building, managing and working with small to medium teams of developers.

I was also part of the staffing team working on the recruiting, technical education and integration of junior developers.

The main development stack was ReactJS, TypeScript, Ruby on Rails, Python, React Native and AngularJS.

Some of the projects I’ve developed may be showcased at:

september 2012 - october 2014: Schibsted Media Group

Worked as a full stack developer on a custom C templating engine, a C transaction server, specific custom Apache modules and PostgreSQL stored procedures.

Participated on the creation of a custom RoR RESTful API wrapped around the legacy C transaction server with specific (non-ActiveRecod) models (subclassed from SuperModel for querying and serialisation) to enable bulk insertion of ads by partners. Developed full integration tests using RSpec and Capybara-Poltergeist + PhantomJS stack on the whole E2E platform.

I’ve also developed the second version of the CustoJusto’s Android app as well as a generic caching library for the Android app that was then integrated on multiple Schibsted Android applications.

january 2011 - september 2012: Ericsson

Worked as an integration engineer of OSS/BSS middleware solutions and costumer adaptations. The role was to basically design and develop software solutions (mostly in Java EE) to enable proprietary network nodes and systems integration. Namely services involving:

  • Charging System
  • IP Multimedia Subsystem [IMS],
  • Mediation and Multi Activation [EMA], Multi Mediation [MM], Tibco